“It’s Okay to Not be Okay”: Fighting Mental Health Stigma

TVN’s newly released and on-going K-drama series titled, “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” clearly sends a message to its fans and viewers about dealing with mental illnesses and its taboos. I, for one, was helped by this series. How? Let’s go over each striking element this K-drama series has offered us for quite someContinue reading ““It’s Okay to Not be Okay”: Fighting Mental Health Stigma”

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walto I used to remember how life was easyback then. When reciting ABC’s, 123’s, president’s names, country’s noble heroes, poems, even your own family tree could get you literally anywhere. They say when everything’s done before the age ofContinue reading “The Journey Begins”

The Project Raphael

Love. Excel. Affirm. Dream.

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Motherhood | Married Life | Mental Health 🇵🇭


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